Saturday, July 3, 2010

Did I mention...

... that my college ID picture even turned out well? My driver's license remains to be seen -- still waiting to be able to prove my residency in Delaware. Apparently you need to have two different pieces of proof -- say a lease and a utility bill, or some other official piece of mail. Just glad I checked on line before spending a morning or afternoon in line at the DMV.

I am enjoying a very gentle entry into this position. Worked Thursday, half day yesterday, Monday is a holiday... I'll take it! I certainly have plenty to do at the apartment at this point, and I am sure the pace will pick up at work all too quickly. And that's fine, too.

This morning I got up early and drove to Rehobeth Beach. I walked along the boardwalk, as well as along the ocean. I found two perfect sea shells. I remember I never tired of looking for sea shells along the shores of Maine when we would visit my grandparents in Andover, MA. I used to marvel at the fact we could eat breakfast in Massachusetts, lunch in New Hampshire, and dinner in Maine all in the same day, and still be home in time for bed! Speaking of eating, this morning I had a Chesapeake omelette, which consisted of eggs, Swiss cheese, and lump crab meat. Wonderful! Even better was the fact that I was sitting on a patio just off of the boardwalk, watching the sunlight sparkle on the water. As I was driving home, I was glad I am an early riser -- the line of traffic -- not so wonderful. At least I was going in the opposite direction. As much as I enjoyed living so close to downtown Chicago, I've got to say I could get used to living this close to the ocean!

So, the explanation of "my own best way." A few years ago, I was apprehensive about doing a funeral for someone who really meant alot to me. This was a family that made me (and continues to make me) feel very much a part of their family. I had been talking with my mom about this, evidently quite a bit more than I realized. Simply put, she was tired -- not, I think, of me, but rather the demands of the day, of which I suppose I might have been one. Anyway, I think Mom was trying to assure me that she was sure I would do my best, and that is all anyone, including myself, could ask of me. Instead, she said, "I know that you'll do it your own best way." It seemed a funny turn of phrase to me, and we got a good laugh. But then, it took. The beauty -- my best way, and your best way, need not be one in the same. And that is more than okay. I find that very freeing. So, with this blog, I suppose I hope to chronicle life lived, and thoughts thought, "my own best way, " the best way that I can.

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