Saturday, July 24, 2010

Seven on Saturday

1. I am sitting in the back yard, because I can't pick up the wireless signal consistently in my apartment (the folks from whom I rent graciously share their wireless with me, but it isn't always all that reliable). It is hot out here. But not as hot, I think, as it was yesterday, when it was 98 degrees at 5:00. No thank you!

2. In spite of the fact that it was 98 degrees at 5:00 yesterday, I went to the Delaware State Fair after work. Sadly, ended up with a huge blister on the side of my foot. I have a thing about blisters. They make me almost queasy. Blood doesn't bother me, but blisters? Don't know what it is, but I just don't enjoy going there. But, ultimately the blister paled in comparison to a spontaneous evening of pulled pork, kettle corn, funnel cakes and caramel apples. Singular not plural. Stayed away from the fried Twinkies, though. Can't quite wrap my head around that. Felt badly for all of the pigs and sheep and cows and horses and such -- so very warm. So very smelly. Farm animals and fair food -- does it get any better than this?

3. Well, the grandstand entertainment last night, for which I splurged and bought a ticket, was none other than Paula Deen. She was so much fun -- I really enjoyed the evening. Even though the seats were nearly intolerably close together. I mean, come on! These are a bunch of people who like Paula Deen. We are butter people! We have hips!

4. I feel very fortunate to have such a supportive president, and upper level administration in general, as I get underway with this new position. Great meeting with the president yesterday. I can't say enough about how pleased I am to be here.

5. Speaking of the president... most surreal moment this week -- stopping at Five Guys (a greasy, greasy, but oh so wonderful burger joint with fabulous french fries), dressed in funeral attire, with the president and his lovely wife, while R.E.M. played in the background -- "It's the end of the world as we know it..." I kid you not.

6. Went to church last week in Bethany Beach. Can't remember whether I wrote about this or not -- I'm thinking not. Was a little apprehensive when I saw the right wing bumperstickers on the truck parked in front of me. You can tell alot about a church by the bumperstickers in the parking lot. But, I ended up liking the service. Kind of have mixed feelings about that, because I just can't drive that far every week.

7. Oh my. The older gentleman next door is doing yard work, without his shirt on. Let's just say it's not a good look for him. Maybe it's time for me to go inside....

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